Common web design mistakes that can cost you traffic
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9 Common Web Design Mistakes That Can Cost You Traffic


Your website is one of your most important marketing tools. It is the first impression that potential customers will have of your business, so it is essential that it makes a good impression. Unfortunately, many businesses make common web design mistakes that can cost them traffic and sales.

In this article, we will explore 9 common web design mistakes that can have a negative impact on your business. By avoiding these errors, you can ensure that your website is an effective marketing tool that helps you attract and retain customers.

Choosing the wrong web host

One common web design mistake is choosing the wrong web host. Many businesses choose a web host based on price, without considering other important factors. However, the cheapest host is not always the best option. It is important to choose a web host that is reliable and offers good customer support. You should also make sure that the host offers the features you need, such as unlimited storage, bandwidth, and email accounts.

Not having a responsive design

Another common mistake is not having a responsive design. With the increasing number of people accessing the internet from mobile devices, it is essential that your website is designed to be responsive. Responsive design means that your website will adjust to the device it is being accessed from, whether it is a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. If your website is not responsive, potential customers will have a difficult time accessing and navigating your site, and they are likely to go to a competitor’s site instead.

Not optimizing your website for search engines

Another common error is failing to optimize your website for search engines. If your website is not search engine optimized, it is likely that your potential customers will not be able to find you when they search for your products or services. To ensure that your website is visible to potential customers, you need to make sure that it is properly indexed by search engines. You can do this by submitting your website to directories and search engines, and by adding relevant keywords to your website’s content.

Making your website too complicated

Many businesses make the mistake of making their websites too complicated. Potential customers should be able to understand what your website is about and what you are offering within a few seconds. If your website is too complicated, potential customers are likely to become frustrated and leave without making a purchase. To avoid this, you should keep your website design simple and easy to understand.

Not having enough Calls to Action

Another common mistake is not having enough Calls to Action. Calls to Action are important because they tell potential customers what you want them to do. Without a Call to Action, potential customers may not know what to do next, and they are likely to leave your website without taking any action. To make sure that potential customers take the action you want them to, you should have a strong and clear Call to Action on every page of your website.

Creating a website that’s not user-friendly

Another common error is creating a website that is not user-friendly. Your website should be easy to navigate and easy to use. If it is not, potential customers are likely to become frustrated and leave without making a purchase. To make sure that your website is user-friendly, you should test it out on different devices and browsers. You should also ask friends and family to test your website and give you their feedback.

Having a navigation that’s hard to use

Another common mistake is having a navigation that is hard to use. Potential customers should be able to easily find their way around your website. If they cannot, they are likely to become frustrated and leave without making a purchase. To make sure that potential customers can easily navigate your website, you should keep your navigation simple and easy to understand. You should also make sure that all of your website’s pages are accessible from the navigation.

Not having enough content

Another common web design mistake is not having enough content. Your website should have enough content to keep potential customers engaged. If your website does not have enough content, potential customers are likely to become bored and leave without taking any action. To make sure that your website has enough content, you should regularly add new blog posts, articles, and other forms of content.

Not promoting your website

The final common mistake is not promoting your website. Just because you have a website does not mean that potential customers will be able to find it. You need to actively promote your website if you want it to be successful. There are many ways to promote your website, such as through online advertising, social media, and search engine optimization.


These are 9 common web design mistakes that can have a negative impact on your business. By avoiding these errors, you can ensure that your business website is an effective marketing tool that helps you attract and retain customers.

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