Free content aggregator websites
Content Development

10 Free Content Aggregators

Content Aggregators

As the internet grows and evolves, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with the sheer volume of content available online. With so many news websites, blogs, social media platforms, and other online sources, it can be overwhelming to stay up-to-date with all the latest information. That’s where content aggregators come in – they gather content from various sources and present it in one place, making it easier for users to discover new content and stay informed.

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular content aggregator websites that are completely free to use.


Flipboard is a sleek, user-friendly platform that allows users to create their own personalized “magazines” filled with content from a wide range of sources, including news sites, blogs, and social media. Users can also explore curated collections and follow other users to discover new content.


Feedly is a popular RSS reader that lets users subscribe to their favorite blogs and websites and view all their content in one place. It offers a variety of features, including the ability to save articles for later, share content on social media, and even integrate with other apps like Evernote and Pocket.


Alltop is a simple but effective content aggregator that offers a wide range of topics, from business and politics to sports and entertainment. It gathers content from top news sources and blogs and displays it in a user-friendly layout that makes it easy to browse and discover new content.


Popurls is a fast, no-frills aggregator that displays the latest headlines from a variety of sources, including news sites, blogs, and social media. Its minimalist design and quick load times make it a popular choice for users who want a quick overview of the latest news and trends.


Inoreader is a powerful RSS reader that offers a range of features, including the ability to filter and organize content, create custom tags and folders, and even set up alerts for specific keywords or topics. It also integrates with a variety of other apps and services, making it a versatile tool for staying informed.


News360 is a personalized news aggregator that uses machine learning to analyze user preferences and provide a customized feed of news and content. It offers a wide range of topics and sources, and its clean, modern interface makes it easy to navigate and discover new content.


Pocket is a popular read-it-later app that allows users to save articles, videos, and other content for later viewing. It integrates with a variety of content aggregator apps, including Feedly and Flipboard, and offers a range of features, including the ability to tag and organize saved content.


Mix (formerly StumbleUpon) is a social discovery platform that allows users to explore and discover new content based on their interests and preferences. It uses a combination of user feedback and algorithms to curate personalized feeds of content from a wide range of sources.


Techmeme is a news aggregator that focuses on technology news and analysis. It uses a mix of automated and human curation to provide a comprehensive view of the latest tech trends and developments, making it a go-to source for tech enthusiasts and professionals.


Panda is a minimalist content aggregator that offers a clean, distraction-free interface for browsing news and content. It offers a variety of sources and topics, and its simple design makes it easy to focus on the content without getting bogged down by ads or other distractions.

In Summary

The ever-expanding internet presents a challenge for users to keep up with the massive amount of content available online. Fortunately, content aggregators have emerged as a solution to this issue, bringing together information from diverse sources and presenting it in a single location for easy access. We have provided a list of the top free content aggregator websites in this post, to assist users in discovering new information and staying informed. Be sure to use them in your online marketing.

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